Top Magazine Titles For Public Libraries


We often get asked if we can provide a list of frequently ordered magazine titles for public libraries.  So last year we compiled a list of those titles.  As a magazine subscription agent who is dedicated to serving public libraries with all of their magazine needs, we work with publishers on a daily basis to make certain we have updated pricing, bibliographic details, descriptions, graphics and stay up-to-date with the latest and greatest.

This is a list of the most commonly ordered periodicals.  This listing does not include regional titles and most newspapers. Of course, as a full service subscription service, we are able to help you with all of your titles (with the exception of a few Must Order Direct titles).

We’ve recently updated our Top Public Library Magazine Titles to remove recently ceased publications.  You can download the updated listing below.

Top Magazine Titles For Public Libraries

2013-02-19T15:44:11+00:00 January 19th, 2013|

About the Author:

Bonnie is a guy who is crazy about magazines. He sold his first subscription to Field & Stream at age 12 and has been practically selling magazines ever since. Working in the magazine industry since college, Bonnie has worked in school library sales, public library sales, publisher relations, customer service – all surrounding the magazine world. Bonnie is one of the partners of Rivistas and handles the PR & Marketing side of things.

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