The request for sample lists have continue to come my way, requesting the top titles for elementary, middle and high schools libraries. I’ve compiled a list for each school library type and made them available below.
Why the top 123 titles? Like everything we do at Rivistas Subscription Services, we want to make everything as easy as 1-2-3. In reality, the elementary list just has a little over 100 titles because of the nature of their typical collection.
Local and regional publications have been removed. We are dedicated to providing all of the titles you and your library need to help you complete your collection. Always feel free to contact us for titles not listed that you may be interested in.
This list last updated 1-18-18.
Top Elementary School Magazine Titles – in csv format (combined listing) Top 123 Middle School Magazine Titles -in csv format (combined listing) Top 123 High School Magazine Titles -in csv format (combined listing) List Updated 1-18-18 If you’d like a Price Quote for your library periodicals, click below to begin the process.
All of your hyperlinks go to the Elementary Selections. 🙁
Hey Jo, I apologize for the confusion. If you are using Excel, go to the bottom of the spreadsheet to the tabs for the various worksheets. There are 3 worksheets on the spreadsheet that include the high school and middle school magazine list. I hope this helps. Again, we apologize for the confusion. Thanks for using our library and magazine resources.