How Can I Get A Quote For The Magazines I Order?
We make getting a quote on your magazine subscriptions very easy! Whether you are a school library or a public library, we have the titles you are looking for and do our best to offer our magazine titles at very competitive prices. In order to get a price quote, we simply need a listing of the titles you subscribe to. Most libraries send us a current renewal form or an old invoice from their current magazine subscription agency. These forms provide current start dates, ship-to addresses, quantities, subscription terms and other information that helps us provide an accurate quote. At minimum, we need a list of the magazine titles your library subscribes to, and we can fill in the gaps as we move closer to an order.
You can also create an account from the panel on the right and build your own quote. Either way, you will find us very easy to work with!
Do You Carry All Of The Magazines We Subscribe To?
The quick answer to that is “Yes.” We are a magazine subscription agency that focuses only on public libraries and schools. Whether you are a huge public library or an individual school library, we strive to carry all of the titles you need. There are always publishers who require you to order their titles direct, but those publishers typically will not work with any magazine subscription agency. And publishers who choose that option typically seem to change their mind in time. We’re more than happy to provide a quote so you can see we have all of the titles you need.
Do You Send Publisher Price Increases?
When we provide a quote for your subscriptions, we provide the current price provided to us by the publishers. We also make sure we have the current price of your titles at the time of invoicing. So in both situations, you know we are providing the most current and up-to-date pricing possible. Prices are subject to change at any time due to publisher demands. That said, once you are invoiced, you will not receive an additional invoice or publisher price increase from us for magazines.
Do You Have A Check-In System For Our Library?
Yes we do! Matter of fact, we have a complete subscription management system that contains all of your account information. It allows you to get a quote, place an order, manage your subscriptions (including checking them in), renew your subscription, change your password, etc. We believe your account information should be easy to retrieve and we want you to have access to your collection details and account information easily.
Will I Have My Own Customer Service Representative?
Yes you will! We always strive to be fast, friendly, efficient and fun to work with. Magazines have a tendency to be a hassle to deal with, but we want to make sure WE are easy to work with. Your customer service representative will be available by phone, email or fax. We enjoy what we do, and it shows!
When Do You Send Our Magazine Renewals?
We send our renewals out about six months prior to expiration. However, you can always retrieve your renewal forms by logging into our online subscription management system and looking under the orders tab. By going online you are able to add, delete, change quantities and have access to the current pricing. You’ll find us very easy to work with!
Can You Help My Library Generate A Magazine Collection?
Yes, we’re more than happy to help. We have compiled a few list for the various types of libraries we work with. We have some list for high school libraries, middle school libraries, elementary school libraries, small public libraries, medium public libraries and large public libraries. We’re also able to help with local and regional suggestions to. We want to be a magazine subscription agency who is a resource to libraries, helping in any way we can with your magazine subscriptions.
What Sets You Apart From Other Subscription Agencies?
We love magazines and have a strong passion to help public libraries and school libraries. We are also very result oriented and simply want to be effective and successful in serving libraries. Ordering magazines is the easy part, being a helping hand and resource to libraries is where the true dedication to service becomes apparent. We want to be different – we want to be known as a subscription agency with a flare for service, help and effectiveness.
How Easy Is It To Switch My Service To You?
Most libraries are already using a magazine subscription service and are accustomed to ordering their magazines once a year. The typical process is to first get a quote from us. From there you place your order with Rivistas Subscription Services. You can turn your quote from us into an order online or you can submit an order to us via FAX or mail. We do suggest using the forms from your current magazine vendor and making the needed changes to those forms. It’s always a good idea to verify your ship-to addresses, billing address, magazine quantity and magazine start date. It’s as easy to switch to Rivistas Subscription Services as it is to renew with your current magazine vendor. We pick up your subscriptions where your current titles expire.
Do You Accept Credit Cards?
Yes. We accept all major credit cards. You can pay by credit card when you place your order online, or you may pay for your order after we invoice your library. All personal orders must be paid by credit card or with a check in advance. We are able to invoice all library orders.
Why Do You Only Work With Public Libraries and School Libraries?
We strive to be the best at what we do. By zooming in our focus to only school libraries and public libraries we are able to offer the magazine services that is dedicated solely to their type of libraries. We want to make certain our customers get our best and by focusing strictly on these types of libraries, we’re able to hone our passions, skills, experience and efforts into being effective.
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